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Account Name | Armor Contracts Acquired | Position |
Elindos Phar - 14 Dec 2024
Get your raffle tickets before it is too late!
Read MoreElindos Phar - 20 Jul 2024
A promotion card for the event! A special mint! And important discounts!
Read MoreElindos Phar - 17 Oct 2024
Features have been rolling in at an increasing speed!
Read MoreElindos Phar - 17 Oct 2024
EXODE grants itself a new look before new players join us!
Read MoreElindos Phar - 10 Jul 2024
Card renting and new revenue earned from players, all tied to: the deployment of a new space station!
Read MoreElindos Phar - 16 Jun 2024
With M1 released and tested, let's get into Factions M2: what can you expect?
Read MoreA very well known resource bank to get from EXODE Alpha, Syndicate Sponsorship gives you assets every Sunday ; every Sunday is a Syndicate Sunday!
Syndicate has a specialty around special drugs and drug factories, assault equipment, criminal squads, stealth starships and trained officers.
The rarest card is the Kumicho, the Syndicate Faction Leader, illustrated by artist ShinoXL, who also got artist awards for this work!
Owning a Kumicho also unlocks a special mission area in EXODE Factions.
As almost every opportunity from alpha, Syndicate Sponsorship is out of mints and can only be traded at high value from players.
If getting a contract can be expensive, getting cards is not: Syndicate cards have been in abundance in alpha, and may still be affordable to get!
A corporation guaranteeing the self-defense capabilities of colonists, Rekatron is proud to provide all kind of guns, grenades and ammunition. Here you have heavy guns, explosive or guided ammo, always with a famous quote to share.
Rekatron makes its deliveries every Friday!
The rarest card is currently Rekatron Fireworks, a section-wide personal explosive sponsoring an intense and very deadly DYNAMITE DAY!
It cannot be safely used in Evacuation, but will become usable during planet exploration.
Rekatron Weapon Drops is out of mints and can only be traded at high value from players.
Delivered cards have been in abundance in alpha, and may still be affordable to get!
TOM has always been a friendly coporation providing numerous essential assets to colonists, from practical vehicles to comfortable habitations and equipment, always with its specific white material and sporting their very securing logo.
Tom Premium Buddies makes its deliveries every Tuesday, making it our Tomsday or Tom's Tuesday!
One of the rarest cards is the epic TOM Explorator, an autonomous exploration vehicle which does not use energy, and the very useful Happy Five shelter, a home structure for colonists which also boosts their happiness.
TOM Premium Buddies (not to mix up with TOM Essentials, an equipment pack) is out of mints and can only be traded at high value from players.
Delivered cards have been in abundance in alpha, and may still be affordable to get!
Achean Gangs give you weapons, thugs, legendary gang leaders and their complement of fast raiding vehicles!
In addition to completing criminal crew, the contract also unlocks access to a new gameplay area: the Conquest of Achea.
The rarest card will be one of the famous Achean gang leaders, illustrated by Art_eto.
Keep tuned for its reveal!
Starships are the only asset to save crew, resources and all your future from oblivion, and Vogan Shipyards can make them so much better at that!
This contract delivers ship modules and modifications to upgrade all their attributes and capabilities.
Keep tuned for its reveal!
All characters exploring a planet should carry their own suit, giving them protection against environment, wildlife and hazards.
Esdrovian Armor Docks can expand a suit features, allowing software, attribute upgrades and skills.
Keep tuned for its reveal!
You currently control 0 % of this entire Franchise.
Starbase shops have always provided for practical equipment and survival goods, from food pills to cargo loading tools, but they also provide for the most peculiar tastes in settler happiness: from holocube movies to entire series or even education programs!
The Starbase Shop will soon know its Contract Opening and make its first deliveries.
One of its rarest cards will be the Cine-90K Holoprojector, a holocube player of immense quality, fit for entertaining a larger number of people with one holocube and especially better when playing 90K type holocubes (the ones of elite rarity).
Cine-90K is a legendary card distributed after contract opening with one monthly copy to a random shop owner, and also once a year with an elite version of it. The next yearly version will be picked in November.
It must be found from player offers now. But you can still look for other beta contracts!
Open ShopYou currently control 0 % of this entire Franchise.
Street shops are the best locations to acquire unrestrained implants, synthetic organs or drug complements, and can act as a very complementary resource to Syndicate contracts.
The Street Shop will know its Contract Opening right after Colonization and Factions daily loops become live.
The rarest card should be a Legendary card, one only available as a FRANCHISE delivery every month!
Keep tuned for its reveal!
HIVE is a thriving community of bloggers, creators and players!
HIVE currency can be used to purchase other EXODE currencies.
You can purchase it on Binance and other places, but must then transfer it to your account and to HIVE Engine.
EXOFUEL will become usable in colonization as a replacement for energy, and conversely, it will be possible to extract some EXOFUEL (but less) from your colonies.
Moreover, EXOFUEL will be used to transport goods from player colony market from and to market nodes.
It is thus a currency with major utility planned for colonization.
More purchase options may be provided later.
Note that EXOFUEL value increases every month, according to a supply plan with a limited supply gaining nearly 3 cents (currently 3%) every month.
As seen in EXODE Factions playable demo, EXOCREDITS can be used to recruit new Agents and promote them.
It is then a major currency, central to everything in EXODE staking, and a requirement before extracting rewards!
Note that EXOCREDITS value increases every month, according to a supply plan with a limited supply gaining nearly 0.15 cents (currently 2%) every month.
Currency packs are a much more affordable way to get EXODE Credits.
They also allow you to get them with fiat, and with an interesting discount, but only as long as packs last. Two pack models have been sold out, and one remains with a limited mint of 100 units.
A very comprehensive guide by 1UP cartel and proto26!
Read MoreEyebroo
A very detailed and data oriented approach about EXODE Starships and every aspect of EXODE game scenes.
Read MoreKobusu
And so what is our main goal atm?! Getting YOUR OWN UNIQUE PLANET!
Read MoreBlueeyes8960
Another useful tool: quick and simple tutorial to install HIVE Keychain!
Read MoreElindos
This episode shares a lot of information about Planetary Dangers and Away Team roles.
Read MoreElindos
Synthetised information about EXODE, covering a lot of sections.
Read MoreElindos
A MUST SEE ; shares the values of EXODE and some of its new concepts: what makes us work with passion every day!
Read MoreElindos
You should definitely USE THIS profusingly, if only to check what rekatron, tom and syndicate cards exist (use 'rekatron' in search, upper right). The Deck Expert tool will show you the entire card database and available upgrades to cards.
Read MoreElindos
Our wiki was made early and has a lot of information, but also some lore about 2325 and its technologies.
Read MoreVeryanprime
[...] The Self-made Savior deck is probably the most tanky civilian deck you can get.
Read MoreVeryanprime
[...] You will want to be cautious when playing this deck, unless you load up on equipment from the player market!
Read MoreVeryanprime
[...] We now have everything we need to start our own cult!
Read MoreVeryanprime
Of all the Beta starters, the Rebel Agent is the one which had the most hype. This was a special starter available to veteran Exode players, myself included, which has long since left the market.
Read MoreElindos
A well armed frigate, armor and rifle sets, and a military crew! Details directly from EXODE wiki.
A scientific vessel and crew ready to explore and study the new galaxy. Details directly from EXODE wiki.
Security and administration staff, and the leadership to manage a larger colony! Details directly from EXODE wiki.
[...] There are up to 7 different talents from which the refit action will randomly choose from. Here are their probabilities.
Read MoreEyebroo
A very detailed and data oriented approach about EXODE Starships and every aspect of EXODE game scenes.
Read MoreElindos
The Deck Expert tool will show you the entire card database and available upgrades to cards.
Read MoreVeryanprime
Includes a link to the tutorial video (2021 version) and instructions!
Note: since october 2024, to play an evacuation you can now use the New Game option in the left menu on this page. But these instructions can still apply if you have any issue!
A lot of stuff happens at once and you need to maximize every second if you want to succeed. To help you get started I recorded this video.
Read MoreBeik47
[...] Once I learned how to equip weapons to my crew/officers, defending cargo and retrieving out of contact crew members became much easier to complete!
Read MoreVeryanprime
This is focused on exposing people to various cards and showing the deck building interface.
Read MoreVeryanprime
As much of colonization is still shrouded in mystery [...] I believe we have enough information to begin determining what cargo will help you survive regardless of goals.
Read MoreKobusu
And so what is our main goal atm?! Getting YOUR OWN UNIQUE PLANET!
Read MoreSlabakbg
Video testing the first Evacuation builds, from one of our best performing pilots!
Read MoreKobusu
And so what is our main goal atm?! Getting YOUR OWN UNIQUE PLANET!
Read MoreVeryanPrime
In the spirit of venting some of my excitement, and doing work so you don't have to, I have compiled all the current information on the roles available to an Away Team.
Read MoreBirdbeaksd
The "Planet" phase of the Colonization Challenge has just dropped and testers can now access it through their Colonization Pass!
Note: Since October 2024, players who got a planet can now usually access colonization by clicking on 'New Game' -> 'Resume Colonization', and will next be able to use colonization features directly from the Manager.
This episode shares a lot of information about Planetary Dangers and Away Team roles.
Read MoreBirdbeaksd
We will be going through each Alpha Contract individually and listing their features and cards.
Read MoreElindos
Details and loot table directly from EXODE wiki. Note that it does not mention additional drops such as the Syndicate Geisha!
Details and loot table directly from EXODE wiki. Please don't mix up TOM Premium Buddies with TOM Essentials ; they are not the same packs!
Details and loot table directly from EXODE wiki. A lot of weapons come from this contract and are available on player market!
A lot of details are coming for this contract. It is the next to know its contract opening!
It is also a FRANCHISE, meaning owning it makes you eligible for a special monthly legendary!
More information to come.
Implants, illegal mods and items to combine with syndicate drugs. It is also a FRANCHISE, meaning owning it makes you eligible for a special monthly legendary!
More information to come.
Starships is a core part of your capacity, and Vogan Shipyards makes boosts and modifications to them.
This will also become very important for EXODE Factions gameplay, as an entire section of it is about ship combat, but also for 'recolonization', the step when you leave your planet to discover more of the new galaxy.
This is a Beta contract, and it is awaiting a contract opening. More information to come.
Suit up! Every character can be equipped with an armor, and Esdrovian Armor Docks are there to power them up with a number of modifications.
This feature will be especially useful in EXODE Factions, which has a section about squad combat, but also of course in Colonization.
This is a Beta contract, and it is awaiting a contract opening. More information to come.
Join the Conquest of Achea with this contract!
You will receive gang leaders, henchmen, vehicles and vehicles mods and weapons, and will be able to use in all game sections and especially the special CONQUEST game mode.
This is a Beta contract, and it is awaiting a contract opening. More information to come!
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Type | ID # | Open | Actions |
Citizen | NFT ID | Status | Location |
Food | Quantity | Actions |
Card type | Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Card type | Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Asset Type | Quantity | Action |
Be Right Back!
Join the Space Federation of 2325 and try to evacuate from a new Space Station!
This is the first gameplay scene of EXODE.
You will have options to set up your own crew and starship.
Try to survive and save as many people as possible.
Good luck!
Before you can play EXODE and enter the world of 2325, you need to open one of your starters!
A starter has an Origin card as background story, a starship and crew cards to generate new characters.
Click on the bright button to begin!
Join the Space Federation of 2325 and try to evacuate from a new Space Station!
This is the first gameplay scene of EXODE.
You will have options to set up your own crew and starship.
Try to survive and save as many people as possible.
Good luck!
You survived Evacuation, but your ship turned dark after the jump.
Enter Planet Scanning, the second gameplay scene of EXODE.
Resume your evacuation game where you left it!
Note: if you already had an alpha or beta planet, resuming scanning will not change your colony there.
Later it will be possible to own multiple colonies or replace your crew on your existing alpha planet!
You currently do not own any Aramea share.
You will be able to purchase them from players as soon as the share market opens!.
You currently do not own any Aramea share.
You will be able to purchase them from players as soon as the share market opens!.
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At eos no sit...
Sit est dolor dolor.
Erat diam ipsum... Sed dolor...
Justo accusam stet eirmod et....
Files :
More information is in the works regarding this pack!
When it will be ready, you should see a blue information icon.
This feature is being developed and will soon be made available!
Meanwhile you can use the old collection interface to access most of these features.
This feature is being developed and will soon be made available!